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Method: C4BoardDimensions(int, int)

1: package de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.c4.domain.impl.validation;
3: import de.fhdw.gaming.core.ui.InputProviderException;
5: import static de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.c4.domain.impl.validation.C4BoardLimits.MIN_COLUMN_COUNT;
6: import static de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.c4.domain.impl.validation.C4BoardLimits.MIN_ROW_COUNT;
7: import static de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.c4.domain.impl.validation.C4BoardLimits.MAX_COLUMN_COUNT;
8: import static de.fhdw.gaming.ipspiel23.c4.domain.impl.validation.C4BoardLimits.MAX_ROW_COUNT;
10: /**
11: * The dimensions of a board, to be used for validation.
12: */
13: class C4BoardDimensions {
14: /**
15: * The currently specified number of rows a board will have.
16: */
17: private int rowCount;
19: /**
20: * The currently specified number of columns a board will have.
21: */
22: private int columnCount;
24: /**
25: * Creates a new instance of {@link C4BoardDimensions}.
26: *
27: * @param rowCount The currently specified number of rows a board will have.
28: * @param columnCount The currently specified number of columns a board will have.
29: */
30: public C4BoardDimensions(final int rowCount, final int columnCount) {
31: this.rowCount = rowCount;
32: this.columnCount = columnCount;
33: }
35: /**
36: * Gets the currently specified number of rows a board will have.
37: */
38: public int getRowCount() {
39: return rowCount;
40: }
42: /**
43: * Sets the currently specified number of rows a board will have.
44: * @param rowCount the new row count
45: */
46: public void setRowCount(final int rowCount) {
47: this.rowCount = rowCount;
48: }
50: /**
51: * Gets the currently specified number of columns a board will have.
52: */
53: public int getColumnCount() {
54: return columnCount;
55: }
57: /**
58: * Sets the currently specified number of columns a board will have.
59: * @param columnCount the new column count
60: */
61: public void setColumnCount(final int columnCount) {
62: this.columnCount = columnCount;
63: }
65: /**
66: * Asserts that the currently specified number of rows and columns is valid.
67: * @throws InputProviderException if the currently specified number of rows or columns is invalid
68: */
69: public void assertStaticLimits() throws InputProviderException {
70: if (this.rowCount < MIN_ROW_COUNT) {
71: throw new InputProviderException("The specified number of rows is too small: the number of rows "
72: + "must be at least " + MIN_ROW_COUNT + ".");
73: }
74: if (this.columnCount < MIN_COLUMN_COUNT) {
75: throw new InputProviderException("The specified number of columns is too small: the number of columns "
76: + "must be at least " + MIN_COLUMN_COUNT + ".");
77: }
78: if (this.rowCount > MAX_ROW_COUNT) {
79: throw new InputProviderException("The specified number of rows is too large: the number of rows "
80: + "must not exceed " + MAX_ROW_COUNT + ".");
81: }
82: if (this.columnCount > MAX_COLUMN_COUNT) {
83: throw new InputProviderException("The specified number of columns is too large: the number of columns "
84: + "must not exceed " + MAX_COLUMN_COUNT + ".");
85: }
86: }
88: @Override
89: public boolean equals(final Object object) {
90: if (object == null) {
91: return false;
92: }
93: if (!(object instanceof C4BoardDimensions)) {
94: return false;
95: }
96: final C4BoardDimensions other = (C4BoardDimensions) object;
97: return rowCount == other.rowCount && columnCount == other.columnCount;
98: }
100: @Override
101: public int hashCode() {
102: return rowCount * 31 + columnCount;
103: }
104: }